ÃØè¹ P-Series Power Amplifier

                *    Dual-chanal power amplifier with nominal 480w power into 4 ohms
                *     Exellent frequency response and harmonic distortion rating
                *    Magnetic curcuit breaker power switch with 3-seconds
                *    High pass filter and mono/stereo mode switches
                *    Calibrated input attenuator
                *    Short cercuit protection  and current limiter cercuitry
                *    Protection,signal presence and peak indicator LEs.
                *    Heavy aluminum die-cast panel.
                *    Power output
                300w min sine wave continuose everage power output personal with both  channel driving 8
                ohms loads over the power band 20Hz-20kHz. The max total harmonic distortion(THD) at any
                Power level 250 mW- 300W shall be no more than 0.1% /480W min sine wave continuous average
                power output per channel with both chanal driving 4ohms loads over a power band 20Hz- 200kHz
                the max. Total hamonic distortion(THD) at any ower level 250mW-480W shall be nomore
                0.15% /320W continuous average sine wave power into 8 ohms with less than 0.1% THD at 1kHz
                both channel driven.
                *    Frequency Response   :    + 0dB - 0.5dB   :    20Hz - 20kHz
                *    Total Harmonic Distortion       :        less than 0.01% at 300W 8 ohms  1kHz/less than 0.1% at
                300W  8 ohms  20Hz - 0kHz.
                *    Input  Senitivity   :        An input of +4dB(1.23v)+0.5dB produce and output of300W into 8 ohms
                INPUT ATTENUATER set for max  level  * Input Impedance   :   10kOhms (unbalance)
                Dampling Factor   :   Greater than 260 at any frequency 20Hz - 1kHz  greater than 95 at any
                frequency 20Hz - 20kHz    * HUM and NOISE   :  109dB below rate output (20Hz-0kHz) / 114dB
        below rate output  (HF A weighted)   *  SLEW RATE : 10V per microsecond or better (at 100W into 8
        ohms 0kHz sqaure wave input)  *  INPUT CONNECTOR (per channel)  :   1'male' and 1'female' XLR
        connector in parallel pin 2 'cold' pin 3 'hot' and pin 1 'shield'  XLR areunbalance d and in parallel with
        2 tipleve (standard) phone jack.  :  OUTPUT CONNECTOR (per channel)  :   Standard 3/4 spacing '
        5 way ' binding posts   *  OVERALL PROTECTION   :   AC line is protect by cercuits breaker /
        protection LED's flashes when heal sink temperaturereaches more than 105*C /Protection LED turn on
        when the protection relay  activates in such cases that DC current is fed to output  and that short
        circuit   occurs   *  FINISH  :  charcoal gray painting  * DIMENION (W X H X D) 483 x 222 x 475 mm
        *   WEIGHt   :  35 kg.

        Monoral Mode Specifications
        Power Output  :  600W min sine wave continious average  power output monural driving 16 ohms
         loads over a powe band 20Hz-20kHz .  Total harmonic distortion (THD)  at any power level
        250mW-600W shall be no more than0.1%/960 wmin sine wave continuous average power output
        monaual driving 8 ohms loads over a power band 20 Hz-20kHz  The max. Total harmobnic distortion
        (THD) at any power level 250mW - 960W shall be o more than 0.15%-1,100W  continuous average sine
        wave power into 8 ohms  with less than 0.1% THD at 1kHz  * FREQUENCY RESPONSE  : + 0dB -
        0.5dB   :    20Hz - 20kHz   *  TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTiON :  less yhan 0.005% at 960 W  8  ohms
        at 1kHz   *  DAMPLING FACTOR (at 16 ohms) greater than 160 that any frequency  20Hz-1kHz
        /greater than 50 at any frequency  0Hz - 20kHz   * HUM and NOISE  :  109dB below rated output
        (20Hz-20kHz) /114dB below rated output (IHF A weighted).


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